In my COM 400 class, my group presented on the topic of how social media modified the magazine industry.
Prior to this decade’s enormous social media boom, readership for magazines was
simple. It involved paying for a subscription and getting a print copy of the
niche literature to your home or office. This was the extent of interaction between
the magazine and the reader. With only a goal of boosting readership, there was
no need for two-way communication of open discussion between the two parties.
That is, until social media completely changed the playing field.
We live in
an entirely altered universe where reading a print copy of a magazine is not
only becoming an ancient form of readership, but it is one of multiple options
for the subscriber. Magazine applications on smart phones and iPads are becoming an
easier way to get your subscription to you. But most importantly, social media
has opened the door for a wholeheartedly new engagement between the publication
and reader. The options for communication are endless: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, Augmented Reality, Tumblr are just a popular few.
Our group began researching the usage and effects of social
media on the industry. With the help of Twitter, Google + and LinkedIn, we
coordinate a schedule to finalize a perfect presentation. PearlTrees and Google
Hangout were amazing supporters for furthering our communication and research.
Twitter proved to be a viable source for contacting professionals in the
magazine industry. We conducted interviews via social media outlets that would
help give us a strong backbone for our arguments.
During the
presentation, social media showed its particular strength when our entire
class tweeted/Facebook posted/Google Plus'ed up a storm along with our hashtag
#socialmags. When we handed out iPads to our fellow peers, they first hand experienced augmented reality and online publication’s connection to
Pinterest and other online blogs and Facebook pages. Magazines even tweeted back at
individuals in our class by the end of the presentation!
Once we
concluded our presentation, we were able to track how many people around the
world were paying attention to our presentation notes. Slideshare allowed us to
publish our final product online as well.
This group
project not only taught me how social media affects the magazine industry, but
how you can take a boring presentation to a whole new collaborative level.
Being able to share our thoughts with not only our class, but also the entire
world, proved to be an amazing experience. This class will forever change the
way I disseminate Powerpoints and information in formal educational/business