Saturday, April 9, 2011

Intro to my Life

*Taps on mic* "Is this thing on?"
Okay, great.

So...welcome! I guess to start off, I'll tell you what I plan on doing here. I love to bake (and cook, but my sugar addiction is pretty well known) and this can be a place for me to share my successful experimentation with my taste buds. As of now I'm residing in a college dorm room, a quad of 4 insane sorority girls, so my access to a kitchen is nonexistent most of the time, but there's only one month left of college until I will be back to my daily regiment of stirring something up in the kitchen.

Besides for that, I'm just your typical northeastern college student. I work hard and I play hard. During the weeks my mind is completely focused on classes ( I play brick-breaker through some of them..but when am I ever going to utilize Earth Science 101?). But on weekends, I'm always searching for new adventures and life experiences..that is when I'm not trying to catch up on my zzz's. Life can get pretty crazy around here, but what better way to enjoy it than exploit it through the blog!

So that's probably enough about me for now, but I'll leave you with a few of my "favorites" so you can get to know me a little:

Dogs or Cats: kitties.
Favorite Candy: Starburst Jellybeans 
Childhood movie: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (DUH)
Breakfast, lunch or dinner?: BREAKFAST (but at lunch time)
Favorite food group: fruit
Color: Yellow
Favorite people: My family, my boyfriend Matt, my sorority sisters, my roommates, and all the wonderful friends I've met from all over the world. 

If your actually reading this still, I'd really love to get to know you as well, feel free to respond listing your "favorites" too! G'niteee.

xo, Lys

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